Let’s set you up for Instagram success

so you can, you know… run the rest of your business like a boss.

Instagram coaching 👇

Have you ever wondered what to post? What NOT to post? When to post? Is consistency a word NOT in your social media vocabulary?

Want to kill it on social media without spending all your time there?

I get it, you’re BUSY.

You can’t spend full-time hours on social media because, well you’re running a business or going full speed ahead into your vision.

I’ve BEEN there. and so I want to be your social media BFF, cheering you on as you kill it on Instagram (AND holding your hand while doing it!)

Let’s hang out once a month for an hour or so to talk about your social media, discuss strategy, start to implement that, audit where you’re at and discuss new trends to jump on and how.

Let me tell you a secret,

✔️ you can do it all in less time

✔️ You don’t have to go it alone anymore or play the guessing game

✔️ You can know exactly what to post

✔️ You can know how to make your posts captivating

✔️ You can have more time for your business

instagram strategy & coaching 👇

Get consistent. Get your time back.

I want to guide you along this journey by helping you strategize your month and coach you along the way.  

I want to cheer you on with monthly calls and weekly emails.

Consider me your new Insta-BFF and social media coach!

Here’s what we’ll do:

Every month we’ll hop on 1, 1:1 coaching calls.

We’ll work on a strategy together, implement ideas, audit your Instagram for that month, discuss new trends to jump on and how.

Every month I’ll guide you to tackle your Instagram. 

your strategy

We’ll discuss your strategy IN the call. We’ll generate an idea of what you’ll be posting about each week, talk about captions, hashtags, reels, types of posts and more.


your coaching calls

In your coaching calls, no social media question is off limits! We can chat about scheduling help, new trends, what to post, caption creating, graphic creation, hashtags, and more. 

instagram coaching 👇

What do i get from our time together?

you’ll get 👉

  • 1, 1:1, 1 to 1.5 hour monthly coaching call

  • a personalized monthly content strategy: content pillars, how many posts, goals of posts, what to post,  when to post.
  • the 4-1-1 on new trends you should jump on and how
  • monthly instagram audits on call
  • PDF GUIDES: my favorite schedulers, hashtag recommendations, engagement guides, best time to post, caption breakdown, how to find trending reel sounds, instagram stories guide

  • weekly ACCOUNTABILITY emails 

Let's cut to the chase, the question you're probably scrolling for 👇

what’s the investment for personalized monthly coaching? 

3 month commitment: $325/month

6 month commitment: $300/month (you basically get 1 month free!)

This is for you IF 👇

  • You know you need Instagram for your business but just don’t have the time to give it as much time as it seems to require
  • You’re not in a place where you want to (or can) hire an Instagram manager for $$$/month but NEED those same results
  • You’re looking for a strategy that WORKS because the others promised they would and had nothing substantial
  • You WANT to be equipped with the Instagram know-how
  • No matter how hard you try, your posts and engaging are just not growing your following, reach or engagment rates & you can’t figure out why
  • Coming up with content seems too overhwleming
  • Instagram in general seems too overwhelming

I want to see if it's right for me!

"I am a novice when it comes to social media, but Megan gave me clear and easy to follow instructions. She made things accessible and understandable."

- Carli

Not Looking for a

By-Your-Side Insta Coach/BFF?


Let me help you succeed in other ways 👇

Chat Sessions: $75

In just a 1 hour, 1:1 chat, you’ll have answers to all your IG questions.

In 1, 1:1 chat session with me 👇

I’ll answer any and all questions and give my advice on Instagram growth, engagement rates, being found on Instagram, hashtags, strategies, starting out on Instagram, what to post, work life balance, engagement, being seen, not being consumed.

Grab a notebook and pen 👇

because this is a 0% fluff call packed with information that WILL help you succeed on Instagram.