megan's blog

My Personal Journal Made Public
Encountering Trial

Encountering Trial

“Count it ALL JOY, my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” This past season of my life...

Is Love Acceptance?

Is Love Acceptance?

Recently, I’ve been noticing things in myself that I want to change, whether it’s little things or big things, and I began to realize that I notice them because they’ve been brought to my attention through life events and God’s guiding. I was driving to work just this...



I love social media. I’m a huge advocate for it. I think it is an extremely powerful tool that can be fun. I think it can be a skill; I think you can reach people through it that you wouldn't reach otherwise. I believe it can help make a huge impact. How are people...

World Changers?

World Changers?

I so distinctly remember in high school people older than I was telling me that my friends and I were unique and going to make a real difference. After graduating, I was and still can be so convinced that my life is going to change the world, make a huge impact, make...

Two Months Later

Two Months Later

Today I have off from work. Well, I took off because I’m sick. So today, I had what feels like one of the first breaks I’ve had in months. I know ... I know... you could be thinking, "That’s not true at all. You were just vacationing in Spain." There’s no way I could...

THE 4,000

THE 4,000

Mark 8 "In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, He called His disciples to Him and said to them, 'I have compassion on the crowd..." He has compassion. It hit me extremely hard that there is a very good chance that at least...

I've Been So Wrong and Out of Focus

I've Been So Wrong and Out of Focus

In writing another blog, that I will correct and probably post sometime in the future, I found my thoughts to be totally misguided. My heart was almost hypocritical. And honestly realizing this… it FREED my soul. Guys, these are real realizations. I’m not just saying...

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

“Listen for the Lord, Hear the voice of His Spirit, Call upon His Name, He is near, He is with us.” Prayer works. Last night a friend told me she had this very strong specific inclination that … in the spirit of not telling someone else’s story… something was going to...

New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

Never in my life have I ever felt more in my soul the saying “New Year, New Me.” I actually had to reign myself back in yesterday realizing that just because the clock changes from 11:59pm to 12:00am does NOT mean my whole life will be different. But I am SO fully...

Contact Meg

Questions? Want to work together? Want to get involved? I'd love to hear from you!

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