There have been moments in my life where I feel as if Jesus is literally with me, meeting me – not literally, in the sense that I say “literally” literally all the time, but LITERALLY as in really, truly.
The other day I had one of those really cool moments.
I was reading through a chapter in a book of the Bible called Hosea, but my mind was halfway somewhere else. It was struggling with my own thoughts and emotions , which I think is something everyone goes through in some area or to some extent.
But anyway, as I was striving to whole-heartedly but really only skimming over Hosea, I thought to myself, “I need to control these emotions. I have to give this over to God.”
I opened up an app I use to help with my devotions and journaling called First5. Each devotional is headed with an aesthetically pleasing picture and well worded caption that summarizes that day’s devo.

And, now, we’re finally here at the cool part.

For that day, the picture said, “When we struggle with difficult emotions, we can go straight to the Bible and we can give them to God, working through them constructively.”
I felt like Jesus heard my thoughts. I felt this so much so that, as if I had heard someone talking to me as I read the captioned photo, my reaction was to lift my head to see if Jesus was in the room. And, no, He wasn’t there physically, but I believe He was there and He knew my thoughts and He knew them FULLY.
So, just an encouragement, friend, Jesus KNOWS where you’re at physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, and He WANTS to meet you. He can meet you and maybe even make it so vivid that you lift your head because you feel like he’s actually there.
And lastly, just a reminder, you are never too lost in or trapped by your emotions or thoughts. You too can go “straight to the Bible and we can give them to God, working through them constructively.”