“Listen for the Lord, Hear the voice of His Spirit, Call upon His Name,
He is near, He is with us.”
Prayer works.
Last night a friend told me she had this very strong specific inclination that … in the spirit of not telling someone else’s story… something was going to go wrong that night and we needed to pray.
Sure enough, that night in accordance with the detail of her inclination, another friend was put in a very real situation where she could have been hurt.
Friends, I believe that God called people to pray for His will to be done.
God knew that someone would be in harms way.
God placed a very real inclination on a heart of possible harm.
God called people to pray.
Then a friend in harms way was completely unharmed.
Jesus calls us to listen to Him and to respond to that.
I don’t know exactly how prayer works and really should study it more, but I do know that maybe, just maybe, listening to His Spirit and responding could really make a difference. A scary situation could end with an unlikely best-case scenario.
Because why else would it be important that someone feels that there might be a possible dangerous situation and calls us to do something about it, to pray? What’s the purpose of that if it doesn’t make a difference?
(quote from: Look Upon the Lord, Kari Jobe)