Never in my life have I ever felt more in my soul the saying “New Year, New Me.”
I actually had to reign myself back in yesterday realizing that just because the clock changes from 11:59pm to 12:00am does NOT mean my whole life will be different.
But I am SO fully expectant.
The past few months have made me realize more of who I am and who I want to become, what I need and don’t need, and even who I need and don’t need. I’ve been trying to take active spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical steps to have my life become better and more pleasing to God.
And I am SO ready for this year to be more NEW and DIFFERENT and CHANGING than any other.
In the past I’ve wanted things to stay the same and nothing to change, but honestly I’m so over that. I couldn’t even tell you exactly why except that these past few months and even weeks have SHAPED me.
I think it’s important to not dwell in the past, long for it, or get caught up in nostalgia, which, truth be told, I often do and I expect to of course in the future.
But if I cling on to the past and don’t look for newness of life and growth right now then I’m not fully indulging in the blessings God may have waiting for me or even here for me already.
I realized today, however, that I have not been praying for what may come.
2014 was what I used to call, as contradicting as it sounds, the best and worst year ever.
If I’m looking for change and newness, am I prepared for WHATEVER may come my way?
So to all my fellow “New Year, New Me” friends and to those who are perfectly content as well:
Seriously, lets pray and be with God because we have NO idea what’s coming our way, whether its amazing or hard, and, friends, there is no better way to be prepared.