“How important is it that I pray right now or today? I can push it off, no worries. I feel capable enough to deal with whatever comes my way right now.”
These are most definitely thoughts that go through my head constantly until the day comes that I realize I’m so weak and can barely muster up enough strength to encounter situations, people, or even my own heart.
When those days comes it hits me: what makes me think that I am fully capable of handling the days ahead of me? Of deciding what jobs to take? Of passing every exam or completing every task at work that’s thrown in my direction? Of encouraging? Of speaking life? Of understanding situations?
In Mark 1:35-39, Jesus Himself gets up “very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed”
He, Jesus, got alone in the morning to pray.
Fully I can’t begin to comprehend the depth of what that must mean really looking into it.
But I can totally comprehend the fact presented here: Jesus arose early to pray. He made it a priority.
And when His friends come looking for him, “He said to them ‘Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.”
He prayed and then went on to the next town. He prayed and was ready to preach there also. This is why He came out.
Jesus, Himself, got up to pray before He took His next steps.
How in the world could I possibly consider myself more capable than someone who heals lepers and turns water into wine and conquers death?
Honestly, I’m laughing to myself at this very moment.
Friends, lets go pray.