This isn’t going to be an attempt at a super inspirational blog whatsoever, but friends:

My first week of Drexel University is summed up with the following: failed pop-quizzes, fell down stairs, got lost in the city, ended up on a different campus, made no friends, spilled chai tea on myself – more than once, running to class, and delayed trains.

Friends, today, I finished my last final, and I am done the semester.

Maybe it seems like a little accomplishment, but it was a real internal struggle.

What I thought was an unconquerable semester turned out to be one of MAJOR growth.

I just had to write this brief little note because this all hit me today.

As I walked down the stairs I had fallen on just months before, I remembered that I KNEW God told me to trust Him.

Now, I’m done my first semester, a different person than I was when I first began.

I KNOW I am not where I am supposed to be yet, but I did survive solely because I relied on Him.

Congrats to everyone finishing up a semester or year, and to all still in finals, best of luck, and well… in full confidence now I can say looking back, just trust Him.

