Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Psalm 85:10

Breathe that verse in.

I was scrolling through a friend’s Instagram, and she had this verse posted on one of her pictures. Honestly, I hadn’t even know that verse existed until that point. How beautiful are these words! Love and faithfulness meet. Righteousness and peace kiss.

The reality of Someone who is defined as love and faithfulness and righteousness and peace is such a beautiful concept, a beautiful reality.

At my college Bible study group, my pastor opened the Bible to the book of Mark. Here are written two consecutive stories of girls. One was a woman and the other was a young child.

My pastor made a GROUND BREAKING point that Jesus’s mission, as most people know, was to save the world. This is His message constantly. He can take away sin. He will rule the world. He can heal pain. His end goal is to reign forever.

But in this passage, you see a Jesus who takes his time to heal two women. One who had been bleeding for years and the other who was a dying young girl. Both seemingly lost causes.

As my pastor spoke the thought came:

How radical is it that when Jesus’s mission was and is to save the whole world, he does it by taking an entire day to heal one sick, meek, ignored-by-society woman and another little girl who, by the time He arrives, is dead?

He cares. THIS is his heart. He addressed them both. “Daughter.” “Little girl.”

Can’t you just hear the gentleness in his voice as His eyes focus in on each one? In the midst of chaos and in the midst of the crowd. He sees them and He heals them.

When the woman who was bleeding tries to hide, He calls to her because He cares for her in more ways than just letting her use His power. When the little girl is dead, He doesn’t turn around, He continues and raises her soul up.

The way He came to save the entire world, was to work in lives just like ours. It was to reach down and to reach in.

God’s POWER was manifested by becoming a man and touching people.

Here is a God in whom love and faithfulness meet, a God in whom righteousness and peace kiss.